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Insider Tips on How to work with a Crypto-recruiter

Writer's picture: Sterling SummitSterling Summit

You’re a career professional, so you’ve likely worked with other recruiters in the past, yes?

Given that CryptoRecruit are the word’s first [and bestest] crypto-industry only recruitment firm, then perhaps we can offer some fresh industry insider observations from our experience as to how / where a crypto-flavoured recruitment cycle is different or more nuanced than other styles. Just us spitballing, YMMV.

· The market for crypto employers seeking crypto candidates is exploding, current crypto-crash not excepted – our lived experience as cryptorecruiters is that it’s real: demand level continues to climb

· You really should have ‘blockchain’ plastered all over your resume – brag about your professional experiences working in valid, on-point crypto businesses / projects. Name names. Use crypto terms and language all over your resume/LinkedIn page. Show native competency and fluency with crypto through what you write and say when interviewed. Be crypto native.

· Work with your crypto-recruiter, clue us in, our incentive basis is aligned to yours (i.e. we don’t earn zack unless and until we place you successfully): so tell us things that will help us best showcase you to the prospective employer. Help us verbalise, identify and crystallise your particular relevance to the role and its needs. Arm your recruiter, teach us your magic points/aspects, equip us to best advocate you up to the employer – we speak for you, so tell us, impart to us and shape us to speak for you as your proxy

· Be location-flexible: crypto employers do seek local residence proximity, but often also will contemplate remote work basis. You’re probably going to have to follow the work/relocate

· Just because it’s crypto, doesn’t exempt regular candidate hygiene. Have a concise resume, speak deliberately of your relevance and career examples to the precise role at hand, speak about your past crypto-relevant accomplishments. Even though it’s crypto, the regular rules still apply

· Can you get a job/find an employee without a recruiter? Sure; and you can cut your own hair if you have scissors. Sometimes using a professional is a better, faster, higher quality experience

· Human years < dog years < blockchain years: crypto years are even shorter. The recruitment play moves fast: your recruiter needs zero/instant response times from both candidates and employees. The recruiting feast moves very fast, it hates waiting. The deal happens hyper fast or it fades from view quickly – shelf life is ultra-short.

Even though we’re very crypto-savvy, capable and avant-garde as crypto industry-only recruiters, CryptoRecruit can’t read your mind – we are here to be a conduit between candidates and employers but we need to be armed by each side to achieve that magic matching of interests. As a crypto candidate or employer, it serves you best to tell us your precise needs, qualities and characteristics. So phone us, Skype us, chat to us and use those blockchain-age dinosaur things: words and speech. Paint us a vivid picture, help sharpen the cycle.

Now that we’ve shared the above perspectives, why wait further? Call CryptoRecruit now and discuss how we can best serve you as a candidate or employer.

CryptoRecruit are the world's leading specialist recruiter for the Blockchain/Cryptocurrency industry. We recruit positions from C-level executives through developers, marketing/sales, community managers to customer service roles. Browse our website and at to search our updated job vacancies.

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